


发表时间:2023-10-28 18:47作者:Summer Bu

酒店管理本科Top up  详细课程介绍


创新与商业规划30           战略酒店管理30            活动场馆管理15          酒店收益管理15

1篇论文 30

科目一 创新与商业规划   2000words 报告 30%+ 3000words 商业计划 70%

Tourism is a dynamic industry, which is always in a state of flux. Its historical evolution is marked by instances of continuous innovation. Innovation and entrepreneurship are vital to achieving the goal of developing a competitive and sustainable tourism sector. In a highly competitive business environment, tourism businesses have to develop the capacity for continuous innovation. Innovation in itself will be of little value without entrepreneurial support. Ability to innovate and business planning skills are essential for a successful career in tourism. This course will cover major sources, processes, outcomes and application of innovation and business planning.

科目二 战略酒店管理   3000words 文章 30%

The aims of this course are to provide:

A critical understanding of strategic management in the hospitality context

An applied understanding of environmental scanning and its application to hospitality

An analysis of competitive hospitality organizations and competition within the hospitality sectors

A critical understanding of strategy formation and implementation of strategy in hospitality at the corporate, network and sectoral levels.

科目三 活动场馆管理  3000words  文章50% + 开卷考试50% Home

The aim of this course is to provide students with a critical understanding of the role of financial planning in hospitality management and practical skills in financial planning for hospitality businesses.

科目四 酒店收益管理  3000words  模拟练习报告   100%

This course aims to support students to develop a critical understanding of the role of revenue management within hospitality businesses along with practical skills in revenue management.

毕业论文 10000words  100%

To develop the students ability to define and analyse a complex business problem

To help students integrate academic knowledge and practical applications

To give practice in the specification, collection, analysis and reporting of information

To give the opportunity to structure and write up large amounts of materials

To give experience of planning a project over an extended time period and meeting a deadline

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